Understanding EUDR: what commodity players need to know?
Understand critical EUDR regulations for commodity players to comply with new rules and ensure market access. Learn about our EUDR compliance...
Keep up to date with all that is happening with the KPMG Origins venture, team and culture.
Understand critical EUDR regulations for commodity players to comply with new rules and ensure market access. Learn about our EUDR compliance...
Two Australian jurisdictions collaborated to create a nationally consistent hazardous waste traceability solution, to fuel the future of the circular...
Learn more about what the KPMG Origins BTI is, in more simple terms.
KPMG Origins Asset Impact helps organisations in meeting the new reporting obligations for embodied carbon under the NSW Sustainable Buildings SEPP.
A data-based tool built on comprehensive and accurate information about specific property assets will help property investors make smarter decisions.
Discover the transformative potential of material traceability in the construction industry. Enhance quality, sustainability, and transparency while...
Discover how KPMG Origins is revolutionising sustainable construction with their cutting-edge platform, measuring embodied carbon and enhancing...
Discover how schools can increase engagement, set goals, measure progress & reduce your environmental impact in the with our tips & digital tools.
Measuring embodied carbon is an important step towards reducing the carbon footprint of the construction industry, and it can have significant...
The employment of digital tools can help developers, financiers and insurers mitigating insolvency risk in the construction industry.
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