IWTS Updates

Usability Testing

Written by KPMG Origins | Jun 26, 2023 1:58:06 AM

Friday 23 June 2023


This round of industry engagement was focused on usability testing. The project team conducted five 1:1 sessions this round to capture feedback on the how the system is used, and any other feedback.  

Key Takeaways From 1:1 Sessions: 

  • Overall, we received positive user feedback:
    • Simple/easy/quick navigation
    • Flexible and easy to edit information
    • View toggles easy to use and interact with
    • Prepopulated data reduces time
    • All in one view of ‘Movement List’ and ‘Movement Summary’ screen has high appeal and streamlines workflow 
  • Designs helped users to visualise new process and share where it can be tailored further to improve their user experience
  • On each screen, feedback was provided on the ease of use and data entry. Below are the key areas for improvements:
    • Naming conventions can be improved on buttons, field names and statuses
    • Auto populating some data fields can make data entry easier
    • Filtering to make it easier to find movements
    • Ability to see most frequently used items at the top
    • Ability to automatically calculate the weight from the quantities
    • Ability to support multiple tyre types
    • Additional data options
    • Clarifying mandatory/optional fields
  • Other mentions:
    • In-situ use
    • Scheduled movements
    • Carrying information across forms
    • Allocating truck drivers
    • Error messaging
    • Accountability on form completion
    • Generators entering incorrect information 
    • Limited knowledge of operators
    • Waste quantities
    • Compliance reporting
    • Operator trading/legal names
    • Waste/weight discrepancy