Friday 24th March 2023
In this industry engagement session, KPMG Origins covered how to effectively create a movement within the solution. To create consistency and facilitate standardisation in the complex hazardous waste industry, the word movement has been adopted to encompass “waste transport certificates”, “transport certificates”, “consignments” and “consignment reports”. The feedback, comments, and insights from the 1:1 sessions and group sessions with industry were taken on board to create screen designs, this session is a playback of the designs to validate how useable they are for industry and gather feedback to improve.
The session followed a live demonstration of the prototype and then participants in the meeting were asked to provide feedback on the workflow through a feedback form as well as through facilitated Q&A discussion.
The video below provides a recording of the session.
Screen 1: Movement Overview List

The purpose of this screen is to provide visibility of all the waste movements you are involved with and make it easy to navigate to the relevant movement.
Screen 2: Movement Creation

The purpose of this screen is to select the origin and destination of waste so the system can guide you to the appropriate forms you need to complete to be compliant.
Screen 3: Movement Additional Details

The purpose of this screen is to guide you through completing the form to be compliant with the state(s) regulations relevant to the specific waste movement (e.g. both NSW and QLD for our scenario).
Screen 4: Movement Details

The purpose of this screen is a summary overview of the relevant details for all participants involved in the movement (e.g. regulator, consignor, transporter, etc).
Key Takeaways
- Industry preferred reducing the volume of data they require to enter to create a movement. KPMG Origins with consider where we can optimise data entry with fewer fields to fill in to reduce the users cognitive load and save them time.
“If they aren’t actually required, are they relevant to be there”
- Industry responded really well to auto-population capability and wanted to have it included as much as possible.
- Industry value the intuitive design throughout the prototype with clear prompts and layout.
- An overview of the waste movements was valued by participants. They liked the summary and the ability to view the waste participants and regulators. However, more consideration is required on how to enable participants to maintain their privacy