Monday 19th June 2023
In this industry engagement session, KPMG Origins covered how information (data) can be used to help your day-to-day work. The feedback, comments, and insights from the 1:1 sessions and group sessions with industry were taken on board to create dashboards, this session is a playback of the designs to validate how useable they are for industry and gather feedback to improve.
The session followed a live demonstration of the dashboard and then invited participants in the meeting to provide feedback on the workflow through both survey form as well as facilitated Q&A discussion.
The video below provides a recording of the session.
Dashboard: Data Explorer

The purpose of this dashboard view is to be a one stop dashboard to interactively explore and analyze all data, associated to movements you have been involved in, to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.
Dashboard: Day-To-Day

The purpose of this dashboard view targets a specific aspect of day-to-day operations to improve the usability of the system on and offline.
Key Takeaways
- Industry felt that the dashboards would help them find the right information and insights for their operational needs, including day to day operations and business strategic operations
- Industry liked visual designs, filters, flexibility, toggling between views and CA expiring information as well as the tabulate data and information included
- Industry expressed considerations
- to click through relevant areas such as the CA
- to sort by transporter
- to make it useful for non-techy people
- to consider colours and borders to make it easier to read
- to filter by waste stream and pick up status