Tuesday 13th June 2023
This round of industry engagement is focused on understanding what information (data) would help you perform your day-to-day tasks. The project team conducted 7 different 1:1s session this round with the summary of focus and findings captured below.

Key Takeaways From 1:1 Sessions:
- Gain points
- High appeal for a dashboard that has a central view and allows user to see their movements and the stages of a movement they are at.
- Displays if something happens that affects a movement and an action is required, there is a preference for notifications.
- Analytics would be useful in the dashboard to help with reporting – especially for larger organisations.
- Pain Points
- Waste sent/received, locations, tracking numbers, pending/active/closed movements, consolidation/what’s left on the site and invoicing.
- High appeal: CA creation and renewals.
- Some appeal: Delayed delivery dates and TC discrepancies, acceptance/rejection of hazardous waste.
- Opportunities
- Simple and easy UX “It needs to be simple and easy to use”
- Allow facilities to choose their view and reduce irrelevant content i.e., generator/transporter/receival facility view.
- Assist with streamlining CAs, TCs, approvals, waste codes and other compliance requirements for all states.
- Allow for more than one user at a time to make changes e.g., 2 operators at the weighbridge making changes in the same screen for weigh in/weight out.
- Keep in mind the location it will be used in and power outages/internet failure.
- Retain good aspects from current NSW EPA system.
- Watchouts
- There are some concerns that information required in dashboard will be used as part of compliance/reporting. Where possible keep information required as optional.
- Caution not to increase admin and require more information to be recorded than current process.
- Some concerns if generator were to access this database, then errors will be made.
Have your say:
Please take the time to provide your insights as industry experts on your experience with dashboards and views. This quick survey will capture your feedback to inform the platform development.