Monday 17th April 2023
The third round of industry engagement is focused on Finalising Waste Movements. The project team conducted 7 of 1:1 session this round with the summary of focus and findings captured below. Note that the process of negotiating agreements and generating a consignment authorisation for approval will be covered in future workshops.

The video below provides a recording of the slide presentation.
Key Takeaways From 1:1 Sessions:
- Waste codes
- Some drivers haven’t checked if waste code is correct or don’t know themselves, meaning this may only be noticed at weighbridge cameras
- Inconsistency of waste codes across different states. Can be 7 different codes for same waste
- Weight
- Discrepancies from what is entered at start of transportation and at the end (receival facility). Admin teams have to manually change this which is time consuming.
- Some staff at weighbridge are just writing down what is written on docket.
- Bulk uploads can be long, time-consuming process
Have your say:
Please take the time to provide your insights as industry experts on your experience with Finalising Waste Movements.
This quick survey will capture your feedback to inform the platform development.