Friday 2nd June 2023
In this industry engagement session, KPMG Origins covered the prototype for the Public Website including the operator Search function, waste indicator tool and guidance & information hub. Feedback gathered through 1:1 interviews, ongoing industry discussions and surveys informed the requirements needed to design the website to industry’s needs. This session covered the playback of designs to validate their usability as well as provide an opportunity to gather further feedback and insights on how the website can be improved.
The session followed a live demonstration of the prototype and then invited participants in the meeting to provide feedback through both a survey and facilitated Q&A discussion.
The video below provides a recording of the session.
Public Website

The public website landing page allows users to easily login and navigate to IWTS as well as access the publicly available tools and resources: Find an operator, Identify Waste and Guidance & Information.
Find an Operator

The purpose of this screen is to enable waste generators, transporters, or receivers, to find other waste operators to assist in the waste transport and disposal process.
Identify Waste

Waste being tracked through the IWTS will need a waste code applied to it, the waste indicator tool is aimed at participants in the hazardous waste tracking system who need help deciphering what that code might be. The tool will mostly be useful to waste generators or those inexperienced with waste classification, it may assist generators in finding suitable receival facilities for their waste type. Note - this tool will not replace professional waste analysis.
The code applied to a particular type of waste may differ depending on which state the waste is being generated, transited, or received, the tool will provide a simple means of translating waste codes between states.
Guidance & Information
The purpose of this screen is to provide a centralised location for waste generators, transporters, and receivers to find useful information on how to move trackable waste, remain compliant with regulations, as well as other industry resources.
Key Takeaways
- Positive response to operator search tool with industry keen to be publicly featured on the site as well as have an easy and centralised way to search, identify and engage other waste operators
- The waste indicator tool was found to be very intuitive and industry appreciated the interactive nature and usability of the chat like function
- "This makes it so easy for waste generators to classify waste. A big problem in our industry is the lack of awareness by waste generators and transporters on how to appropriately characterise a waste and what waste code to use.”
- Some concerns surrounding the chat bot being the only method to identify waste. Industry proposed the system provide some complementary, more visual methods such as flowcharts or decision trees to identify waste
- “Chat bot is okay but only the newer generation would probably be comfortable using it. Can be replaced with a nested block flowchart?”
- Industry liked the concept of specific information and legislation being readily available in the guidance & information section and, most importantly, wants the navigation process to get there to be painless and smooth
- Great response to how the guidance & information content is displayed with the topic hyperlink and brief description below
- Appetite for the inclusion of an FAQ section, especially concerning the differences in regulatory requirements between state
- Call out that information displayed in public website needs to be accurate and up to date, this may involve periodic review and revision
- Industry liked the prospect of search functionality in the site to have a ‘smart AI’ capability to recognise like or similar descriptions of waste types
- "A big database of words that small generators use not waste tracking professionals is needed. Small generators may not use the word "alkali", they have a drum of Formaldehyde solution", or they have a "disinfectant" rather than a biocide etc. It is the vast array of small generators disposing of chemicals where most of pain is.”