Monday 15th May 2023
The 5th round of industry engagement is focused on the process for generating a consignment authorisation for approval by the appropriate regulatory bodies as well as Soil Disposal Permits, Agency Agreements and any other required authorisations. The project team conducted 7 1:1 interview sessions this round to ensure deep understanding of how different organisations meet requirements and how the IWTS can best support them. The summary of focus and key findings are captured below.

The video below provides a recording of the slide presentation.
Key Takeaways From 1:1 Sessions:
- Most felt the existing CA application process worked well in NSW and Queensland; therefore, a new process needs to be as simple and easy as the current one
- Industry would benefit from reminders/notifications when CA is expiring by date, and possibly for situations where CA has a weight limit approaching
- Enabling information to be carried over from original application to renewals (copy/paste, tick box duplicate, prefill, select previously used, review/submit option) would save a lot of time and effort
- Provide a ‘save for later’ option when CA forms are being completed would be very helpful when information required for completion isn’t available easily or at the same time
- Enable waste code guidance to support user in choosing the correct code would help them avoid delays with queries/wrong information
- Industry also mentioned templates to create Agent’s Agreements, as well as document Landowner consent where a Soil Disposal Permit is required, would be very beneficial
Have your say:
Please take the time to provide your insights as industry experts on your experience with Movement Authorisations such as CAs, Soil Disposal Permits and Agency Agreements.
This quick survey will capture your feedback to inform the platform development.