Friday 5th May 2023
In this industry engagement session, KPMG Origins covered the QLD Waste Tracking Fee screens as well as providing a demo of the IWTS screens developed to date. The demo showcased searching for a specific Movement, navigating to an individual movement overview, and providing movement data. The purpose of this session is to playback of the designs to validate how well they are meeting industry’s requirements and to gather feedback and considerations to further improve.
The video below provides a recording of the session:
Part 1: QLD Waste Tracking Fee
QLD Waste Tracking Fee – linking to waste credit digital book
This screen shows how the system can link to the Waste Credit Digital Book

QLD Waste Tracking Fee – paying fees
This screen displays the calculated credits for the movement and alerts you whether or not you have enough credits available, as well as provide you with the link to top up your waste credit digital book should they be insufficient.

Part 2: IWTS Solution Demo
IWTS Solution Demo – Existing Movements
This screen enables you to view all your existing waste movements and search them.

Individual Movement Overview
This screen displays the overview of an individual movement and what data is still required for each stage to complete the movement.
Movement Data Entry
This screen displays the breakdown of the data entry steps for adding details to a waste movement.

Key Takeaways
QLD Fees
- Liked the ability to access current waste credit digital book system that people are familiar with and find easy to use – “Seems easy enough to navigate and links to the 'credit' system.”
- More clarity needed on the QLD platform part of the user experience and how the approach will change for those using bulk uploads
- Interest in how credit card payments will work with the proposed approach
- Curious to better understand how tracking movements through paper, digital book & agents’ agreements can be streamlined through the system – “It would be ideal if the 3 were able to mesh together.”
IWTS Solution
- Feedback highlighted the importance of being able to locate a specific movements quickly and easily in the system to update details
- Current columns and search parameters resonated well with industry, and they felt confident they had the right information to easily search and track movements
- Good balance of detail and the information required for each specific step
- Curiosity on how the data could be consolidate for multiple accounts, especially where a whole-of-company view may be required
- Curious to see whether there’s potential to integrate via API with internal systems to update movement details automatically
- Great opportunities to reduce double keying of data already provided if fields were pre-filled
- More thought is required on how to make the mandatory fields stand out in forms