Waste Movement Authorisation – Requirements
This time we focused on the process for generating a consignment authorisation for approval, Soil Disposal Permits, Agency Agreements.
Keep up to date with all that is happening with the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS), powered by KPMG Origins.
This time we focused on the process for generating a consignment authorisation for approval, Soil Disposal Permits, Agency Agreements.
In this industry engagement session, KPMG Origins covered the QLD Waste Tracking Fee screens as well as providing a demo of the IWTS screens...
The fourth round of industry engagement is focused on understanding and facilitating the calculation, reconciliation and payment of waste levies and...
In this industry engagement session, we covered adding new and completed movements with a CSV spreadsheet and how to update and finalise waste...
The third round of industry engagement is focussed on Finalising Waste Movements.
In this industry engagement session, we covered how to duplicate waste movements and the transporter workflow of picking up and dropping off waste...
The second round of industry engagement is focussed on the process of updating movements with pick-up and drop off details.
KPMG Origins covered how to effectively create a movement within the solution.
The first cycle of industry engagement is focussed on the process of creating a new movement.
The kick-off session focussed on sharing the key focus of the project with the participants as well as the planned industry engagement approach.